What is the chance that I’ll still be an active musician as an adult?

What are the rewards of performing?

How have WWS members extended their musical lives?

What is the chance that I’ll still be an active musician as an adult? The Wellington Wind Symphony’s youngest member, Carolyn Baer, asks veteran players about the role that music-making plays in their lives.

What are the rewards of performing? Members of the audience for our May 6, 2012 concert share their impressions.

How have WWS members extended their musical lives? Principal horn player and high school music teacher is also a guitar-maker. (Check out this video of Kevin Ramessar playing one of Tony’s guitars in a concert with the Winds!)

Questions to Drive Further Inquiry

  • What are the collateral benefits of studying music and continuing to be an active musician?
  • What kinds of careers could I explore through further music education?

Resources: The Rewards of Music-Making

Success in Music. Success in Life: A resource from the Coalition for Music Education and partners.

Why Playing Music is Great for Your Brain: CBC Music blog and video from TedEd

Conference Board of Canada Employability Skills 2000+: Find the connections to the discipline of music-making.

The Benefits of Music Education: An Overview of Current Neuroscience Research: Comprehensive resource from the Royal Conservatory (Canada)

Why Music? The Many Benefits of a Musical Education: Infographic from the University of Florida.

Careers in classical music: The crazy tightrope between encouragement and reality: Blog post from Musical Toronto

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Links for further exploration
Suggestions to guide your research

